Unstake your stake from Season 6 by following this link

HOPR Staking Season 7

Stake xHOPR tokens to earn a total APR of 1.25% (1.25% base + 0.00% boosted)

Wallet Balance- xHOPR
- wxHOPR
- xDAI
Available Rewards wxHOPR
Claimed Rewards wxHOPR
Total Staked xHOPR
Wallet Balance- xHOPR
- wxHOPR
- xDAI
Available Rewards wxHOPR
Claimed Rewards wxHOPR
Total Staked xHOPR
Stake xHOPR tokens
You won’t be able to recover your stake until the staking program ends.
Block number-
Staked- xHOPR
Received Network Rewards - xHOPR
Claimed- wxHOPR
Stake Rewards0 wxHOPR/sec
0 wxHOPR/day
Next est. Network Rewards- xHOPR
Claimable- wxHOPR
Block number-
Staked- xHOPR
Received Network Rewards - xHOPR
Claimed- wxHOPR
Stake Rewards0 wxHOPR/sec
0 wxHOPR/day
Next est. Network Rewards- xHOPR
Claimable- wxHOPR


HOPR Staking Season 6 has finished, to recover your xHOPR stake, locked NFTs and unclaimed wxHOPR rewards, visit stake S6, connect your wallet and press “Unlock”. To restake, simply return to this site.

Starting 2023-04-26 14:00 CET, rewards can be claimed on each block. All rewards will be returned as wxHOPR tokens. xHOPR staked today will be locked until 2023-07-26 14:00 CET.

Increase your APR by redeeming NFTs to your account. HOPR Boost NFTs can be earned by participating in events. Season 5 and 6 NFTs can be restaked in Season 7 with the same APR boost. NFTs from earlier seasons and the HODLr NFT have been discontinued. New rewards based on network rewards will be available soon. Check our staking FAQs.

You can swap xHOPR tokens via Swapr, and buy xDAI (needed for transactions) via Ramp or AscendEX. Unwrap wxHOPR rewards to xHOPR for restaking via our token wrapper. Follow our Twitter to learn about new events.

Alternatively, you can convert your HOPR to xHOPR. For a complete list of bridging options, view our docs.


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